Thursday, March 19, 2009

Wanted: Corporate Sponsor

I want to first thank everyone who has donated so far. Nine contributors and $135  in just over one day! We're just $65 from having ONE clean microwave in the student lounge. 

I've been looking for a local business or company to sponsor the Stephen Will Clean the Microwaves for Money (SWCMM) efforts. I'm looking for someone who would be willing to match our student contributions in exchange for a little free advertising and the chance to feel good about helping out. So to help spread the word I've made up some handsome full color flyers. If you'd like to take one to your favorite coffee shop, grocery store, or super-rich Uncle, let me know and I will set you up with one. 



  1. As an alum - I feel your pain. I'll donate money - but here is the real gift: To clean the microwaves take a midsize hand towel, soak it hot water and put it in the microwave for about two minutes on high. The steam will make it so that you can wipe the microwave down without any real effort.

  2. Do you clean with organic products?
