Friday, March 27, 2009

Fundraiser Update

Wow, we flew right by 200 and are currently sitting at 324. I want to thank everyone again for chipping in, one dollar at a time. When we hit 400 I'll put together another neat little video. 

I've decided that looking for an official sponsor is not worth the time and effort. I've been turned down by American Apparel, Clorox, and Allann Bros. Coffee, and flat out ignored by everyone else I've tried to get on board. All these companies are already actively giving in their own way, and they get thousands of smaller requests that they have to turn away, no matter how worthy the cause.  

The only way to get big companies on board is to thing big. Really big. I'm thinking about starting something that I'll tentatively call the "Day Without a Latte Fund." The idea would be to encourage people to go one day a week without their latte, or treat of choice, and to put the money they would have spent into this fund. It would be set up basically as a scholarship fund for people who want to undertake valuable community service of one kind or another, but can't afford to do so. If the fund could get enough coverage (by being on Oprah, for example), I think it could really take off. I like the idea of our community as a whole making small sacrifices, like going a day without a latte, to help support the greater good. 

Of course, this is just in the early planning stages. Any thoughts or feedback would be appreciated. 

Thanks again for all your donations. 


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